Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant Perimeter Road Improvements

Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant Perimeter Road Improvements

This project includes Perimeter Road Improvements of 2,100 linear feet segment consisting of the following: install retaining structures (approximately 2,150 LF) of sheet piles, road improvements scope includes: install the concrete cap, curb, gutter, and vehicular...
D.C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant Blower Air Clean Up System

D.C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant Blower Air Clean Up System

The work to be done under this contract includes constructing a complete biological air clean up system which includes reinforced concrete Biotrickling Filter with three (3) layers of Sole Sourced media , Degreasers, Mist Eliminator, Foul Air Blowers, Recirculation...