Santa Monica Bay Low Flow Diversion Upgrades

Santa Monica Bay Low Flow Diversion Upgrades

The project consists of the construction of the Coastal Interceptor Relief Sewer (CIRS)-Phase 2.  This sewer is required to relieve excess flows in the existing Coastal Interceptor Sewer (CIS) that were caused in part by low flow diversions of dry weather runoff from...
Echo Park Rehabilitation Project

Echo Park Rehabilitation Project

To improve water quality in Echo Park Lake, a 13-acre urban lake surrounded by 16 acres of recreational open space, via lake improvements, improvements to storm water conveyance facilities feeding and draining the lake, and creation of constructed wetlands including...
Wilmington Drain Multi-Use Project

Wilmington Drain Multi-Use Project

Project includes grading of approximately 3,250 feet of a soft bottom channel varying in width from approximately 100 to 140 feet, which has vegetation growth and sediment accumulation; construction of a trash net structure at the north end of the channel,...