Echo Park Rehabilitation Project

Echo Park Rehabilitation Project

Echo Park Rehabilitation Project

Echo Park Rehabilitation Project

Echo Park Rehabilitation Project

Echo Park Rehabilitation Project

Echo Park Rehabilitation Project

Echo Park Rehabilitation Project

Echo Park Rehabilitation Project

Work Order:





751 Echo Park Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90026

Total Contract Amount:


Notice to Proceed & Duration:

07/11/2011; 600 Days

To improve water quality in Echo Park Lake, a 13-acre urban lake surrounded by 16 acres of recreational open space, via lake improvements, improvements to storm water conveyance facilities feeding and draining the lake, and creation of constructed wetlands including lake drainage and sediment drying, odor control, collect and analyze water quality and sediment hazardous control and removal, lake bed excavation and grading, demolition of existing lake edging and construction of new lake edging, retaining walls, and DSOD berm, outlet structure, re-grade and re-contour the lake bottom, storm drain bypass system, install bentonite, recirculation and aeration systems, fountain piping and pump station, retrofit existing lake outlet vault and refill the lake, wildlife relocation, Irrigation and landscape, wetland planting, Lotus vegetation, miscellaneous park improvements, site concrete and pavement.